
在Rapid7, we are on a mission to create a secure digital world for 我们的客户, 我们的行业, 以及我们的社区. 我们通过坚持不懈来做到这一点, 激情, and collaboration to challenge what’s possible and drive extraordinary impact.

在这里,我们正在打造一个充满活力的工作场所,让每个人都能获得一生难忘的职业经历. We challenge ourselves to grow to our full potential. We learn from our missteps and celebrate our victories. We come to work every day to push boundaries in cybersecurity and keep our 11,000+ global customers ahead of whatever’s next.

Person, Restaurant, Sitting, Cafeteria, Flooring, Couch, Furniture, Indoors, Floor, People

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What if security was an opportunity and not an obstacle?
What if customers could securely advance their business with clarity and confidence?

在Rapid7, we believe in simplifying the complex through shared visibility, 分析, 和自动化. 我们一流的解决方案和战略专业知识为客户提供了领先于攻击者并远离新闻的一切所需. Our digital world has us more connected than ever, and we rely on technology for everyday tasks in our personal and professional lives. This means the stakes for creating a safer digital world are higher than ever, 我们有责任每天露面,为我们的客户和我们所属的安全社区提供最好的服务. 

Indoors, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Chair, Furniture, Male, Man, Lounge
People, Person, Laptop, Pc, Adult, Female, Woman, Male, Man, Chair
Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Laptop, Head, Face, Conversation, Chair, Cup

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展示和尽我们最大的努力,要求我们树立榜样,展示核心价值观,使我们的业务向前发展. 在Rapid7, these values are deeply ingrained into our everyday decisions. 我们通过每天的大喊大叫和季度奖励,定期表彰那些展示这些价值观的人. 随着我们团队的成长, 我们寻找符合这些价值观并能对我们的文化和业务产生积极影响的人. 



We work relentlessly to act as a champion by prioritizing the open, honest sharing of ideas and feedback to propel our people, 我们的客户, 我们的产业向前发展.


我们以远见、纪律和决心挑战旧的思维方式,开辟新的道路. 我们将负责任地挑战极限,抓住机会让我们的客户和我们自己走在潮流的前面.



We 支持 one another on our journey forward and actively look for ways to collaborate, 强化我们的思想, 并相互学习,帮助我们的客户克服挑战,同时在此过程中打造一家卓越的公司.


“带你来”是对每个在Rapid7工作的人的邀请,让他们拥抱自己的独特性,让他们在工作中自在地展现真实的自我. 我们知道,培养包容的文化可以让人们更有创造力,产生创新的想法. By empowering our employees to be their authentic selves, we’re creating the conditions for a dynamic workplace where innovation can thrive.


We pursue excellence through continuous learning to keep growing personally and professionally. We are insatiably curious, and we are constantly in search of a better solution.


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Our default working model is hybrid, with employees working three days per week in the office. Rapid7建立在协作和团队合作的文化基础上,旨在培养有意义的联系和信任关系. While we do have a handful of roles that are remote to accommodate specific job functions, 我们相信创新, 创造力, 当我们花时间与我们的团队和跨职能的人在一起时,客户至上的心态就会得到优化. 这种混合方法巩固了我们对灵活性和适应性的承诺,同时支持我们致力于发展, 团队合作与客户目标. 


Conversation, Person, Adult, Female, Woman, Male, Man, Interview, Face, Laptop


支持, 启用, and empower all Rapid7 Moose identifying as women to bring their best, true selves to work every day through community, 行动, 和行动. Through our understanding of the unique challenges faced by women in the workforce, 我们希望建立联系,利用我们的知识互相提升,并鼓励年轻女孩考虑从事STEM和/或科技行业的职业. 我们拥抱个人,支持性别进步,通过放大女性的声音来提升她们的地位.

Rapid7马赛克 represents the vast tapestry that is the Asian and Pacific Islander community. 我们的目标是提供资源, 事件, 以及开放论坛,为识别驼鹿的亚太岛民创造友爱和更大的归属感. Rapid7马赛克培养了一种目的感, 培养人才,并将使Rapid7成为全球最具包容性的网络安全公司.

重点是为所有为国家服务的人营造一个欢迎和支持的环境. Rapid7兽医 does this through creating opportunities for connection, building internal community rooted in understanding, 在项目和活动上合作,提升我们的社区,帮助退伍军人进入网络安全领域,并在Rapid7找到空间.

Rapid7多样性和神经多样性小组旨在通过使所有员工的日常经验在挑战水平上相同,无论残疾或神经差异如何,从而创造公平的竞争环境. 我们希望所有人的独特才能都能发光发亮,并为他们为整个公司带来的东西而受到赞扬.  这样做, we will create intentional space for community, curate impactful moments to help educate our fellow moose, 并提倡改进,以支持我们技艺非凡的驼鹿缩小成绩差距.

Rapid7骄傲旨在提供教育, 支持, 让所有拉皮迪驼鹿都意识到这一点, regardless of 性取向 or 性别认同. 我们希望为我们所有的LGBTQIA+ Moose提供工具和基础设施,让他们每天都能带给你. 我们将保证你们每一个人都能创建系统和流程来满足你们的需求, 如果流程需要更新, 我们将与同事们共同努力.

Vibranium快速影响小组旨在为黑人和西班牙裔驼鹿建立社区和联系,并提高认识, 促进对话, and drive 支持 generally of Rapid7 DEI initiatives. By driving inclusion of Vibranium voices at all organizational levels at Rapid7, Vibranium努力吸引, 开发, 并保留黑人和西班牙裔人才,以实现Rapid7作为企业和社区领导者的目标.

Conversation, Person, Shoe, Adult, Male, Man, Glasses, Face, Couch, Interview





在Rapid7, we provide a platform for career 开发ment and growth. Through a combination of formal programs and informal experiences, you’ll have the ability to drive your career forward and own your 开发ment journey. 




Rapid7是一家混合型公司. 我们接受这种工作方式,因为它使我们的员工能够在协作文化中发挥最大的作用,从而激发创新和增长的机会. 



当你加入Rapid7,你很快就会发现我们关心我们的员工和他们在我们的经历.  Offering country specific competitive health and wellbeing programs, 金融的机会, as well as a whole host of additional perks is just one way we show that.



We’ve carefully created compensation packages that are competitive, 公平地奖励我们的员工,在分享业务成功的同时提供长期财富. 

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这里是Rapid7, 我们从根本上相信,每个人都应该有平等的机会来创造非凡的职业生涯. 我们拥抱彼此的相似之处, 尊重我们之间的差异,坚信每个人都有权利得到尊重和尊严. We have a ZERO tolerance policy for discrimination based on race, 种族, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 残疾, 资深地位, 婚姻状况, or any other status protected under federal, 状态, 或者当地法律. 更重要的是, we just fundamentally believe it’s the right way to build a business and healthy community. We pride ourselves on our unique culture and our commitment to diversity, 股本, and inclusion--it is the stitch that holds the fabric of our culture together!